Thursday, March 26, 2009

Commencing The Charity

Politics is a notorious profession, there won’t be two opinions on the credibility of this statement . Whenever we talk about politics the environment is usually very pessimistic, bleak, sarcastic and nonetheless angry. But of course, we can’t blame politicians alone for these circumstances. In fact, there part in this vicious circle would be rather less than masses themselves. It’s very hard to face the harsh realities of life and vrey easy to throw the burden of responsibility on others and free ourselves.

I happen to know people who curse the Govt. and authorities in power. They cry about the inflation, about the law and order situation, about the pathetic health and education system and overall, the deteriorating circumstances of their ‘beloved country’. But same people, before every election, confirm before voting a particular candidate that he belongs to their sect, their tribe or their ‘baradari’, these ‘virtues’ are enough to erase all his corruption and ignore all the defects of his personal character. In my not-very-humble opinion, such people do not have any right to speak against the authorities every time they are fucked up by them.
There’s another group of those who like to declare themselves ‘gentle’ people, and politics, for them, is a sin. Politics, in their views, belongs to the rogues, rascals and looters. These people, very much like the other group above, do not have any right to shout against the oppression and injustice of the ‘rogues of politics’. What are they for? Just to eat and shit? At a bit higher level, What’s their purpose of life? Just to earn and spend? To me an ignorant person who serves his people righteously while (being in politics, with reference to the context) is far more better than the saint chanting prayers in his hut!

What we need is devoted and sincere people, with a passion to serve not only their country and their country men, but humanity as a whole. We beings humans, owe a huge debt to humanity and blessed are those who step up to bear this heavenly glorious responsibility.


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